Thursday, August 26, 2010

Jonas Brother's Concert

In June, we decided to surprise the girls with tickets to their very first concert: the Jonas Brothers. It has rained for the past four days straight here in Boston, and I was not sure if we would even be able to go to the concert at the outdoor Comcast theater. Amazingly, the rain stopped right before the concert began. Even still, when I saw a girl walking through the crowds carrying a sign that offered an upgraded seat for a few dollars, I hopped on the chance to get an actual seat under the pavilion. (Our lawn seats would have been great in the sun, but horrible today as all umbrellas, blankets and chairs are banned from this place. I'm not sure what the point of lawn seating is without a blanket or chairs.) Anyway, our new seats were amazing. We stopped along the way to sign cards for the Jo Bros and make a poster to hold up.

In the past I have not been a fan of the costumes the guys wear to perform in, but tonight they were great. I do have to say that only the most adorable Jonas Brother could get away with wearing bright yellow lumber jack. I know lumberjack plaid is everywhere this season, or last, but really it belongs in the forest where no one can see it.

I still cannot hear from all the high pitch screaming at the concert. They were selling earplugs at the theater; I'm pretty sure I should have bought some. The music wasn't too loud-it was awesome-but those girls screaming could have shattered wineglasses.

This was the best concert I've been to in ages, or maybe ever. For all it's "the mouse sees all" creepiness, Disney knows how to make magic, and the first act that was dedicated to hyping an upcoming tv movie was so well done. And while I get that Disney is there to make money, I like the Jonas Brothers. They're the real deal.

The girls had their favorite parts, but my favorite part was dancing and singing with two of my favorite people. When we told the girls where we were headed for the evening, they were not as excited as I thought they would be. It turns out that they didn't know what to expect. During the show, the girls repeatedly stopped dancing to give me a hug and say thanks for bringing them. Syd and I danced in the aisle and Ainsley and I sang together. Priceless.

Except for when the guys wanted to sing their favorite Beatles song and they were all "We expect all the moms out there to be dancing." What? How old do they think I am?

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