Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I haven't blogged in a while because I've had a pretty constant headache since Saturday morning. As soon as I tucked the kids in bed each night and talked to Neil on the webcam, I would head to bed instead of blogging. Now that I'm feeling a little more like myself, I'm playing catch-up on my chore chart. (Maybe if I really did have a cute chore chart with metallic star stickers and a prize at the end, I wouldn't normally put off doing my chores. Any ideas for what the mom equivalent of the prize for completing it should be?)

I'm not a fan of getting headaches. I think they stink on ice*. My older girls would pretend to have headaches when they played barbies and pollies. One month I did the math and figured out that if I spend an average of 3 days a month with a headache, I lose an entire month out of every year of my children's lives. Obviously that didn't help my headache.

Another month, I remembered my father-in-law teaching a class about trials. When bad things are happening to us, it's easy to ask "Why me?" He suggested that, instead, ask "What can I learn from this?" In desperation, I asked the Lord, and I was blessed to know immediately what He wants me to learn. Knowing that answer changed the way I live my life.

Whenever I remember that experience, I enjoy the peace that comes from knowing that the Lord is mindful of me. Apparently, He was just waiting for me to ask the right question.

*Glenn Beck says this occassionally, and it always makes me laugh. When my girls asked what it meant, I told them to think of Disney Princesses on Ice. Just as that is a huge production, if something "stinks on ice", then it stinks in a comparably huge way.

1 comment:

  1. You always make me laugh out loud and sitting in the Atlanta airport listening to Diana Krall and reading your blog and laughing is pretty peaceful.
